Use Your Own Numbers...

Employee Churn Lost Revenue Calculator

Discover how much employee turnover [employee disengagement, lost productivity, impact on company culture and morale, cost, and valuable time

recruiting/hiring/training] is costing your organization.


How much is your organization paying monetarily due to poor and unclear leadership, lost productivity, and disengagement? Enter the numbers in the EMPLOYEE CHURN DETECTOR to find out. 


1. Enter number of your employees

2. Click in the “0.18” field

3. Result returned is number of disengaged employees

4. Scroll down to enter average hourly rate

5. Enter average number of work hours per week

6. Click anywhere in the large grey box to discover potential annual revenue leakage for one disengaged employee and the total leakage for all disengaged employees





Shocked? Don’t like these numbers? Stop throwing money away! 

Stop the Employee Churn!

Are you growing a business or making butter? 


Call Jill at 917.887.5899 Now to discuss how to decrease your revenue loss by 50%… and increase team productivity.


Happy Employees = Happy Loyal Customers


The CX Checklist

Increasing Revenue
shouldn't depend on NEW clients!