Culinary Experience

The culinary experience is the hallmark of your brand. Do your customers love your food and recommend you to others? Do you make the “Best List” in town? Whatever your measure, the food experience is your brand.

The culinary experience is the pivotal indicator of the quality and success of your establishment. We  evaluate your customers’ feedback on all aspects of their dining experience. We look at your menu selection and recipes, identify areas for improvement, and suggest new offerings or variations to keep you fresh.

I also recognize that the visual presentation of the food is just as important as the art of the recipe. I consider myself not just a “Recipe Connoisseur,” but also a “Recipe Detective.” I can quickly identify the missing link that can lift a recipe from good to extraordinary.

Having earned my Culinary and Patisserie Grand Diplôme from Le Cordon Bleu in Paris and having worked as an apprentice in Harrod’s Pastry Kitchen, as a visiting chef in a renowned restaurant in Italy, and as a Food Stylist and Recipe Developer and Tester for national magazines, television shows, and food packaging and advertising, I understand both cuisine and the importance of food presentation. Whether it is a simple burger or a rack of lamb, I understand first-hand how the recipe, ingredients, execution, and timing influence the outcome of the dish.


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