Customer Experience

The minute your customer walks out the door, we want them to think “I’ve got to tell my friends about this restaurant!” “I can’t wait to leave a great online review” or “We have to come back here soon!”

Delivering a great customer experience is the key to the success of your organization.

We help you understand who your clients are and the experience they want to have at your restaurant. You only get one chance to make a first impression and this happens at the first point of contact. We show you how to create the ultimate customer experience.

Every detail of your establishment shapes your customer’s experience – the decor, the lighting, the service, the food, the environment, and even the visual brand of your signage, menu, and interior design.

The ways your staff interacts with your customers greatly affects the mood and tone of their experience. You probably have heard or experienced “Great food, but lousy service.” Those customers could be lost forever, not to mention the bad reviews they leave behind and share with friends. To thrive in this competitive and growing marketplace, your customer’s experience must be extraordinary.

Most organizations fall short in providing the ultimate customer experience. We provide a thorough 5-point assessment of the customer experience from the perspective of:

1. You, the owner
2. Your management
3. Your staff
4. Customer feedback
5. Direct observation of your operations

We identify your blind spots and transform them into opportunities for growth. We give you specific actions you can take right away to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ wants, needs, and expectations.

We show you how to get consistent feedback — both positive and negative — from your customers so that you can make immediate improvements and retain them. We give you accurate and efficient ways of collecting your customer’s information and rewarding their loyalty? We also bring a sophisticated understanding of clients from other cultures and their differences in culinary tastes and customs, which help you meet the expectations of global customers.

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